Seems to be a recurring theme to this blog, but what the hell. China is the place were you really learn the application of this principle as follows: (from a self-help website)
To be alive is to have a goal and pursue it—anything from cleaning the house, or planning a vacation, to saving money for retirement. If somebody or something blocks the goal, we begin to feel bent up and thwarted. Then we get mad (1) The blocked goal, (2) the sense of frustration, (3) aggressive action—this is the normal human sequence. If we are aware of what is going on inside us, however, we can save ourselves a good deal of needless pain and trouble.
In part, that's why blogs exist. And of course, I need to use a proxy server to access it because China has blocked the blog site. I mean seriously, mainland China takes the absolute cake for blocked goals, obstacles, and frustrations. You have a task or goal, could be the simplest of things, and you set out to pursue it. Then it doesn't take long before the inevitable 'we don't have this' or 'you can't do it' surfaces. Sometimes I wonder if people invest more time and energy in explaining all the reasons why something can't be done instead of just doing it.
Anyways, to make a long story short, I'm going to need to leave the country, do some business in Hong Kong, and re-enter. This is connected with my address registration and lost drivers license debacle, in case the plan mentioned in the last post goes belly up. The trip to HK would also involve some other business. Having thought over various options for what I want to do, they all involve hassle. I'm just like, forget the hassle, will take a day off, fly to Hong Kong, and do the business over there. Unbelievable, but that's the best way.
While frustration inside the mainland can work oneself up into a frenzy, the advice above is really good to be aware of what's going on, and keep from needless pain and trouble. Part of that involves taking a step back, even laughing about the obstacles, then regrouping, and coming up with another attack plan.
One way or the other, it will get done, as I am damned dogged determined to accomplish tasks and goals no matter what. If the goal is blocked, it just makes me all that more eager to circumvent the obstacles and accomplish it some other way.
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