Thursday, 8 March 2012

Domestic Violence Upstairs

The weather is a convenient scapegoat to blame for what is now turning out to be a rather disturbing week. A foreign husband and Chinese wife are yelling a few floors upstairs, and the violence has escalated to him throwing furniture around and trashing the place.

A friend suggested I call 110, which is the classic Chinese police hotline, and the catch-all solution to any and all problems. But past experience has shown that calling 110 is unhelpful at best and at worst, gets me involved in a dispute I'd rather not be a part of.

So I simply went downstairs and reported this dispute to the 'bao an' or the security guard, and he noted that others had already complained before me. That helped get me off the hook as the foreigner who has nothing to do with the violence, and then the 'bao an' promptly called the 'zhi an' or the local public security official who is responsible for dealing with these kinds of things.

So far things seem to have quieted down. If it keeps escalating, then I'd be happy if they took this guy, threw him in a police van, and sent him to the local slammer.

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